







任何未尽事宜,请与MamaClub联系: info@mamaclub.com.my



【MamaClub】注册用户服务的所有权和运作权归【MamaClub Enterprise  (SA0456717-T) 】所有。 所提供的服务必须按照其发布的公司章程,服务条款和操作规则严格执行。 用户在注册过程中点击“提交”按钮时,表示用户与【MamaClub】已达成协议并接受其所有的服务条款。



【MamaClub】通过国际互联网,运用自己的信息和服务为用户提供服务。 用户必须提供详尽,准确,真实,合法有效的个人资料,并在个人资料变更时及时提交。


1. 用户要求【MamaClub】或授权某人通过电子邮件服务透露这些信息。 

2. 相应的法律规定及程序要求【MamaClub】提供用户的个人资料。 

如果用户提供的资料不准确,不真实,不合法有效,本公司有权单方面暂停,中断或终止用户使用【MamaClub】注册用户服务的权利。 在享用【MamaClub】注册用户服务的同时,同意接受【MamaClub】注册用户服务提供的各类信息服务。






【MamaClub】会在必要时修改服务条款,【MamaClub】注册用户服务条款一旦发生变动, 公司将会在用户进入下一步使用前的页面提示修改内容。 如果您同意改动,则按“我同意”按钮。 如果您不接受,则及时取消您的用户使用服务资格。 


1. 首先确认【MamaClub】注册用户服务条款及其变动。 

2. 同意接受所有的服务条款限制。



您一旦注册成为用户,会得到一个密码和帐号。您将对基于您的用户名和密码发生的所有行为承担法律责任。 因此,请您妥善保管你的密码,不要向任何第三方透露,否则,您本人将承担由此引发的一切法律后果。 如果发现您的密码可能已经泄漏,请及时更换。 您可随时改变您的密码和信息,也可以结束旧的帐户重开一个新帐户。 用户若发现任何非法使用用户帐号或安全漏洞的情况,需立即通告【MamaClub】



保护您的隐私对我们很重要十分重要。我们将尽力为您的个人资料保密。 确保您明白和了解《 MamaClub客户隐私条款》,能使我们为您提供最佳的服务。





1. 发布信息时必须符合中国有关法律法规。 

2. 不利用网络注册用户服务从事非法活动。 

3. 不干扰或混乱网络服务。 

4. 遵守所有使用网络注册用户服务的网络协议、规定和程序。 

网络注册用户服务是利用因特网发送和收取信息。用户的行为指引是根据国家有关因特网的法规,政策和程序的。 用户须承诺不传输任何非法的、骚扰性的、中伤他人的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、伤害性的、庸俗的,淫秽等信息资料。 另外,用户也不能传输任何教唆他人构成犯罪行为的资料;不能传输助长国内不利条件和涉及国家安全的资料;不能传输任何不符合当地法规、国家法律和国际法律的资料。 禁止未经许可非法进入其它电脑系统。若用户的行为不符合以上提到的服务条款,【MamaClub】将作出独立判断并立即取消用户服务帐号。 

用户需对自己在【MamaClub】注册用户服务中的行为承担法律责任。 用户若在【MamaClub】注册用户服务中散布或传播反动、色情或其他违反国家法律的信息,【MamaClub】注册用户服务的系统记录有可能作为用户违反法律的证据。



用户或【MamaClub】可随时根据实际情况中断网站服务。【MamaClub】不需对任何个人或第三方负责而随时中断服务。 用户若反对任何服务条款的建议或对后来的条款修改有异议,或对【MamaClub】注册用户服务不满,用户可行使以下追索权: 

1. 不再使用【MamaClub】注册用户服务。 

2. 结束用户使用【MamaClub】注册用户服务的资格。 

3. 通告【MamaClub】停止该用户的服务。 




【MamaClub】对任何直接、间接、偶然、特殊及继起的损害不负责任,这些损害来自:不正当使用网络会员服务, 或非法使用服务用户传送的信息有所变动。这些损害会导致【MamaClub】形象及荣誉受损, 因此【MamaClub】在此提出这些损害的可能性。



所有发给用户的通告都可通过电子邮件或常规的信件传送。【MamaClub】会通过邮件服务发报消息给用户, 告知服务条款的修改、服务变更、或其它重要事情。



用户可在他们发表的信息中加入宣传资料或参与广告策划,在【MamaClub】注册用户服务上展示他们的产品。 任何此类促销方法,包括运输货物、付款、服务、商业条件、担保及与广告有关的描述都只是在相应的用户和广告销售商之间发生。 【MamaClub Enterprise (SA0456717-T)】不承担任何责任,【MamaClub】注册用户服务对此类广告销售不负任何一部分的责任。



用户定义的内容包括:文字、软件、声音、图片、录像、图表;在广告中全部内容;电子邮件的全部内容; 【MamaClub】注册用户服务为用户提供的商业信息。所有这些内容均受版权、商标、标签和其它财产所有权法律的保护。 用户只能在 【MamaClub Enterprise (SA0456717-T)】和广告商授权下才能使用这些内容,而不能擅自复制、再造这些内容、或创造与内容有关的派生产品。



邮件服务条款要与该国的国家法律解析一致,包括法律条款中有争议抵触的内容。 用户和【MamaClub Enterprise (SA0456717-T)】一致同意服从高等法院所有管辖。 若有任何服务条款与法律相抵触,这些条款将按尽可能接近的方法重新解析,其它条款对用户保持原有的法律效力和影响。


保护您的隐私对【MamaClub】很重要十分重要。 【MamaClub】将尽力为您的个人资料保密。 确保您明白和了解《 MamaClub客户隐私条款》,能使【MamaClub】为您提供最佳的服务。 请费少许时间阅读下列条款,以了解【MamaClub】是怎样处理您的个人资料。


一、 【MamaClub】收集的个人信息的内容 

通常情况下,您可以在因特网上访问我公司而无需告诉【MamaClub】您是谁,也无需提供有关您的任何个人信息。 不过, 【MamaClub】或 【MamaClub】的合作伙伴有时可能需要您提供信息。您可以选择在各种情形下向【MamaClub】提供可以提供的个人信息。 例如:您可以根据您的选择向【MamaClub】提供姓名、联系电话或电子信箱等可以提供的内容,以便 【MamaClub】与您联系、提供上门服务等内容。 您还可以向 【MamaClub】描述您的教育程度和工作经验,以便成为【MamaClub】的合作者,参与我公司的项目。 在向您收集信息之前, 【MamaClub】希望让您了解【MamaClub】将如何使用这些信息,并就收集与使用这些信息获得您的许可。 如果您向【MamaClub】提供有关他人(如配偶或工作同事)的个人信息, 【MamaClub】将假定您已经得到了他们的许可。


二、 【MamaClub】为何收集您的个人信息 

【MamaClub】收集和使用您的个人资料以便给您最优的客户服务,让您能最方便地享用【MamaClub】的服务, 并非常乐意接受您给【MamaClub】提出的宝贵的意见的建议。使【MamaClub】为您服务的范围更为广泛。


三、 【MamaClub】怎样收集您的个人信息 

在网站上【MamaClub】只会从客户留言上获得您的个人信息。 注意 【MamaClub】不会在监护人许可之外、不知情和不在场的情况下,向儿童或其他没有自我行为负责能力的人征求个人信息,也不会向他们发出索取个人信息的请求。


四、 【MamaClub】怎样使用您的个人信息 








五、 【MamaClub】怎样保护您的个人信息 

【MamaClub】向您收集信息时,将明确而全面的向您介绍这些信息今后的使用情况, 您可以根据个人的意愿向【MamaClub】提供全部或部分 【MamaClub】想要收集的信息, 同时你也有权告诉【MamaClub】希望某些信息用于哪些用途或不要将某些信息用于哪些用途, 【MamaClub】会尊重您的意愿。 保障您以实物、电子等方式提供给 【MamaClub】的信息数据的安全和质量。 注意一些国家、地区或组织可能未颁布严格的法律、规章来保护您的信息。 在这些地区或组织内,我公司将仍然按照本条款所描述的方式处理您的信息。 注意希望您能够清楚,在某些情况下,法律规定需要公开的信息,按照司法或其它政府传唤、搜查证或判令,可能需要公开个人信息。



一般情况下, 【MamaClub】在收集您的个人信息时将就使用您的个信息向你征求许可。如果您有要求, 【MamaClub】也可以在每次使用前向您征求许可。 您也可以通过报刊、网络等各种途径主动了解您的这些信息的使用情况。 如果发现未经您的授权而被使用了您的个人信息,您可以通过电话或网络与【MamaClub】取得联系, 共同就此调查问题的根源,采取保护措施,以便确保您的个人隐私的安全。

【Privacy Policy】

Collected Information
We only collect the informations that needed for the registration procedure at our website or when fill up the registration form on the site. The information that we gathered are voluntarily submitted by the customers to us. We collect customer’s personal information during the account registration on our site on our site.

Personal Identification Details
Your personal identification details are used to process your order of the products, customize your profile information, internal usage with legal requirements, update your status of online shopping in our site and also to update our customers with our latest news of updates/changes, promotions and events.

Your personal information such as credit cards details, bank account numbers are well kept secret and confidential with us. We will never share any of your personal details to any third party. Our sites do apply appropriate security application in order to keep all the customers information safe at all time.

Changes to our Privacy Policy
MamaClub Enterprise have the rights to do any changes/updates Privacy Policy contents without giving prior notice to the customers.  Do keep track on the Privacy Policy page on our website.

Our company website do applies appropriate security application in order to prevent the leaking customers’ personal identification details from third parties, illegal disclosure and hackers. However bear in mind that any information transmitted through Internet is NOT 100% guaranteed safe and secure.

Return & Refund Policy

The returned goods/products will be checked with the receipt together and the goods should be in the good condition. The packaging should also be in original condition in original shipping container as received. If the goods/products has been used or damaged by the customer, there will not be any refund. MamaClub Enterprise will also not be responsible if your shipment is lost during the return transit. Once we have checked and confirm the goods/products, customer will received their refund within 14 days after the confirmation.

Please return your purchase to the following address:
MamaClub Enterpise
48-2, Lorong Batu Nilam 3A,
Bukit Tinggi, 41200 Klang, Selangor.

Please contact us at info@mamaclub.com.my if you have any questions or doubts.

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to MamaClub Enterprise web site online store. Terms and conditions stated below applies to all visitors and users of MamaClub Enterprise. You’re bound by these terms and conditions as long as you’re on www.mamaclub.com.my.

The content of terms and conditions may be change, move or delete at any time. Please note that MamaClub Enterpise have the rights to change the contents of the terms and conditions without any notice. Any violation of rules and regulations of these terms and conditions, MamaClub Enterpise will take immediate actions against the offender(s).

Site Contents & Copyrights
Unless otherwise noted, all materials, including images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, and written and other materials that appear as part of this Site, in other words “Contents of the Site” are copyrights, trademarks, trade dress and/or other intellectual properties owned, controlled or licensed by MamaClub Enterprise.

Comments and Feedbacks
All comments and feedbacks to www.mamaclub.com.my will be remain MamaClub Enterprise‘s property.

User shall agree that there will be no comment(s) submitted to the www.mamaclub.com.my will violate any rights of any third party, including copyrights, trademarks, privacy of other personal or proprietary right(s). Furthermore, the user shall agree there will not be content of unlawful, abusive, or obscene material(s) submitted to the site. User will be the only one responsible for any comment’s content made.

Product Information
We cannot guarantee all actual products will be exactly the same shown on the monitor as that is depending on the user monitor.

User shall agree that MamaClub Enterprise may send newsletter regarding the latest news/products/promotions etc through email to the user.

The user shall agree to defend, indemnify and hold MamaClub Enterprise harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising from or related to your use of the Site.

Link to other sites
Any access link to third party sites is at your own risk. www.mamaclub.com.my will not be related or involve to any such website if the user’s content/product(s) got damaged or loss have any connection with third party site.

Inaccuracy Information
From time to time, there may be information on www.mamaclub.com.my that contains typographical error, inaccuracies, omissions, that may relate to product description, pricing, availability and article contents. We reserve the rights to correct any errors, inaccuracies, change or edit information without prior notice to the customers. If you are not satisfy with your purchased product(s), please return it back to us with the invoice. Please check out “Return and Refund Policy”.

This agreement is effective unless and until either by the customer or www.mamaclub.com.my. Customer may terminate this agreement at any time. However, www.mamaclub.com.my may also terminate the agreement with the customer without any prior notice and will be denying the access of the customer who is unable to comply the terms and conditions above.

Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy

This Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is applicable to all customers of MamaClub.

This Policy sets out how MamaClub Enterprise through the MamaClub website and its usage collects, stores and handles personal information (as defined below) of individuals in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) and all applicable laws.

By providing your Personal Information to us, you are consenting to this Policy and the collection, use, access, transfer, storage and processing of your Personal Information as described in this Policy.

What is Personal Information?

Personal Information is any information that can identify a person either directly or indirectly. This includes any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact you, such as your Name, Address, Identity Card /Passport Number, Contact Details, Email Addresses, Business Registration Name, and/or Business Registration No. It may encompass any other personal identifiable information that you may disclose via MamaClub.

What Kind of Personal Information Are Collected?

In order for us to provide your login details, we need to collect relevant personal information from you and it may include (but is not limited to) the following:-

A. Upon Registration

a. Your Name

b. Your Gender

c. Your Email

d. Your Mobile Number

B. Upon Purchase and/or Transaction on MamaClub, the additional information we may collect may include

a. Passport Information

b. Flight Information

c. Mobile Number (if different than Section A, d)

d. Delivery Address

e. Payment Method

f. The equipment/device you use when accessing MamaClub (such as your mobile handset, your computer system and platform)

Source of Personal Information

Personal Information may be obtained directly from you, including but not limited to information that has been provided, for example, in the user sign-in and/or application form for MamaClub.

When and How We Collect Your Personal Information?

We may collect Personal Information directly from you when you:

A. Communicate with us via MamaClub live-chat

B. Register or subscribe to MamaClub newsletters

C. Participate in any of MamaClub surveys, competitions, contests or loyalty programs

D. Register interest and/or request for information through MamaClub

E. Respond to any marketing materials related to MamaClub

F. Visit and/or browse MamaClub

G. Visit and/or browse our social media websites (example, but not limited to; Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram, Pinterest, Google, Youtube) related to MamaClub’ activities

H. Lodge a complaint or provide feedback through MamaClub

Other than personal information obtained from you directly (as detailed above), we may also obtain your personal information from third parties we deal with or are connected with you (credit reference agencies or financial institutions), and from such other sources where you have given your consent for the disclosure of information relating to you, and/or where otherwise lawfully permitted.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We do not sell or disclose your information in an unauthorized manner to any third parties. Your information is used strictly for the following purposes mentioned herein, but not limited to:

A. To verify your identity;

B. To verify your eligibility to register as a user of the Site;

C. To process your registration as a user, providing you with a log-in ID for the Site and maintaining and managing your registration;

D. To providing you with customer service and responding to your queries, feedback, claims or disputes;

E. To facilitate communication between buyers and sellers on the Site;

F. To perform research or statistical analysis in order to improve the content and layout of the Site, to improve our product offerings and services and for marketing and promotional purposes;

G. To obtaining your consent in such form as may be required under the applicable law, we may use your name, phone number, residential address, email address and fax number (“Marketing Data”) to provide notices, surveys, product alerts, communications and other marketing materials to you relating to goods and services offered by us on the Site from time to time to members of the Site;

H. To provide our products and services to you;

I. To communicate with you;

J. To verify your identity for purposes of receiving our products and services;

K. To notify you of any changes to our terms and conditions or the products and services offered to you;

L. For customer research purposes to better improve our services;

M. To inform you of products and services which may be of interest to you including;

N. To provide information about products and services offered by our affiliated companies and selected third-party partners;

O. To maintain records as part of our business or other purposes in so far as is permitted by the law;

P. To make such disclosures as may be required for any of the above purposes or as required by law or in respect of any claims or potential claims brought against us.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Save in accordance with this Policy and except as permitted or required under any applicable laws or regulations, we will not use or disclose your Personal Information without any prior consent (implied and/or express).

Direct Marketing

If you have once given us your personal information, you may receive from us or from our associate companies from time to time SMS, emails, programmatic targeting advertisements and direct mailings containing promotional materials. If you do not want to receive them, please contact our Customer Support team at ask info@mamaclub.com.my.

What If Personal Information Provided by You Is Incomplete?

In situations where indicated, the provision of Personal Information is compulsory to enable us to process your application/membership for MamaClub, the failure of you to provide us such obligatory information, will necessitate the rejection of your application/membership. In such circumstances, we reserve our right to reject your registration and/or application without providing you any reason(s) whatsoever

Your Rights to Access And Correct Your Personal Information

Subject to the compliance of certain terms and conditions, we will grant you access to your personal information if it is either:-

A. Inaccurate

B. Incomplete

C. Misleading

D. Not up-to-date

You may make a request to access your Personal Information to us by contacting us directly via the email provided below:

MamaClub Office Email: info@mamaclub.com.my

We shall endeavor to comply with your request to access and/or made all reasonable corrections to your personal information within 21 days upon receipt of the same. Please note, a processing fee may or may not be applicable to comply with your request.

Your Obligations

You are responsible for providing accurate and complete information to us about yourself (i.e. Personal Information) and updating this Personal Information as and when it becomes inaccurate, outdated or incomplete by contacting MamaClub


Subject to the compliance of certain terms and conditions, we will grant you access to your Personal Information if it is either:-

We collect information about your visit to our websites from cookies. Cookies are packets of information stored in your computer which assist your website navigation by customizing site information tailored to your needs. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. You are not obliged to accept cookies. If you are concerned, you can set your computer either to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. However, rejection of cookies may affect your use of our websites as we will be unable to personalize aspects of your use of the website.

When you visit our website(s), we will record your visit only and will not collect any personally identifiable information (i.e. information that is about you and identifies you) from you unless otherwise stated. Cookies used (if any) in any part of our web site will not be deployed for collecting personally identifiable information. For your information, Cookies are small computer files that can be stored in web surfers’ computers for the purposes of obtaining configuration information and analyzing web surfers’ viewing habits. They can save you from registering again when re-visiting a web site and are commonly used to track your preferences in relation to the subject matter of the web site. You may refuse to accept Cookies (by modifying the relevant Internet options or browsing preferences of your computer system), but to do so you may not be able to utilize or activate certain available functions in our web sites.

Links to Third Party Websites

Please be informed that this Policy applies solely to MamaClub websites and does not apply to any third party websites you may access from our websites.

Updates to this Policy

We reserve the right to amend this Policy from time to time and the updated version shall apply and overrides any and all previous versions, including but not limited to, leaflets or hard copy versions. Please check our website regularly for additional information on our most up-to-date policies and practices that may be applicable to you.

Our Contact Details

Should you have any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to this Policy, kindly contact us at the MamaClub Customer Support at the following contact point:

MamaClub Office Email: info@mamaclub.com.my